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International relations and visitation. Writes the Prof. Dr. Emm. Gerakios 33°

Basic principles

For our Supreme Council, as for any regular S.C., the "Constitutions of 1762" and the "Great Constitutions of 1786" form the basis and founding decree of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish type (A.·.A.·.S.·.R.·.).

(De Hoyos, 04.01.23: the Grand Constitutions, which are the governing rules of the Scottish Rite).

Together with the regulations of the Supreme Council, they constitute its statutory text as an association of entities without legal personality, as recognized by the Greek State.

It further respects and follows the general customs of the Supreme Councils of the A.·.A.·.S.·.R·., which derive directly or indirectly from the first Supreme Council of the world, Southern Jurisdiction of the U.S.A., established in 1801 in Charleston, South Carolina (U.S.A.) and which are the only regular S.·.C.·.

(The Northern Jurisdiction was founded on August 5, 1813, after the S.·.C.·. had been established for France on September 22, 1804, and Spain on July 4, 1811.

The S.·.C.·. for Greece was founded on July 24, 1872, and is the twentieth oldest in the world).

Non-existence of universal authority – principle

To A.·.A.·.S.·.R.·. there is no universal authority, but each Supreme Council is independent, self-sufficient, and sovereign in its territory.

The Supreme Councils of A.·.A.·.S.·.R.·. closely related through a system of mutual friendship and exchange of Grand Representatives, not "recognition" as happens for the Grand Lodges.

The Supreme Council for Greece clearly does not recognize any Masonic authority higher than it. However, respect the Mother Supreme Council of the world as the bacon, guide, and adviser of the Scottish Rite.

The S.·.C.·. for Greece is the unique and supreme Masonic authority of A.·.A.·.S.·.R.·. for the territory of Greece.


The ideal bond between S.·.Councils, wholly independent and self-sufficient, find their expression in the common customs of A.·.A.·.S.·.R.·. as the centuries-long application of the Great Constitutions has shaped them.

The periodically recurring conferences of the Supreme Councils strengthen this bond.

Regular meetings ensure both continuous exchange of ideas and constant cooperation between all Commanders of the A.·.A.·.S.·.R.·. In addition, there is usually an exchange of Grand Representatives.

Regarding the Regulation of S.C. provided in the corresponding articles:

Article 40

The Supreme Council is in relation with all the regular Supreme Councils of the AASR throughout the Universe.

As well as with the recognized Great Masonic Bodies, to maintain and spread masonic harmony and work together for the progress of the Order.

Article 41

The Supreme Council constantly communicates with the other Supreme Councils by appointing to them a Grand Representative of the Supreme Council of the 33rd and last degree.

In the international Fora, can participate S.·.C.·. which among themselves have not entered into friendly relations or exchanged representatives.

The right to choose the invitees belongs to S.·.C.·. which organizes the event.

The above does not constitute an admission of friendly relations between the invitees and participants S.·.C.·.

Participation in Works.

In Greece, every brother of A.·.A.·.S.·.R.·. has the right - depending on his grade - to participate in the work of each Atelier of A.·.A.·.S.·.R.·.

According to the conditions of S.·.C.·. throughout Greece, with the friendly systems and other Orders of Higher (High) Degrees, every brother of A.·.A.·.S.·.R.·. may take part in the corresponding recognized Degree of Masonic Body, who in a treaty relationship with our S.·.C.·. and thus to know other Masonic teachings of Higher Degrees.

This practice is followed by the Southern Jurisdiction of the U.S.A. and the other regular Supreme Councils.

Following this tradition, the S.·.C.·. for Greece has friendly relations with St. Andrew's Lodges and the Revised Scottish Press of France.

Relations with Grand Lodges.

Our S.·.C.·. in its regulation provides that a Brother to be accepted for admission to Philosophical Freemasonry (4th degree) must, among other things, be a regular member of a Symbolic Lodge under the auspices of a regular functioning and recognized Grand Lodge, and have the third Degree (Master Mason).

Like S.·.C.·.cannot establish a Grand Lodge, nor can G.·.L.·. establish a S.·.C.·. .

Grand Lodges and Supreme Councils maintain friendship relations and not "recognition" since they are different Great Bodies of other degrees and Rites.

Following the above, they cannot exchange Grand Representatives.

It goes without saying that for any relations between Major Bodies, these must be legal entities existing according to the country's legal system.

The S.·.C.·. under no circumstances is it involved in matters concerning Symbolic Freemasonry or any other Great Masonic Body in terms of Teaching and Administration, and conversely, no other Press is understood to be involved in its affairs.

All together, let us be a beacon for the prosperity of Freemasonry for Society's general good.

Deus Meumque Jus


Emmanuel Gerakios 33°



Με την υποβολή των στοιχείων σας στην παρακάτω φόρμα συναινείτε στην αποθήκευση και χρήση τους από εμάς δια την αποστολή σε εσάς ενημερωτικών επιστολών. Δεν θα γίνει χρήση των παραπάνω για κανένα άλλο σκοπό. ​

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Supreme Council 33º for Greece AASR


Scottish Rite Building Athens

Floors: 4,5,6,7.

2 Sourmeli Str. - 10438 Athens Greece.


Mailing Address:

P.O.Box 8142

Postal Code: 10200 Athens Greece 


Grand Secretary Tel:    +30 2169002173


Gr. Comm.           Tel:    +30 693 2211521




Secretariat Hours: 17.30 - 20.00 Monday to Friday


Secretariat hours: 17.30 - 20.00 Mon - Fri.

Supreme Council 33º for Greece


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