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AASR and Sports

After the latest tragic news regarding sports in Greece, we position ourselves as follows.

Philosophical freemasonry strictly opposes every form of violence in sports and promotes a non-violent way of life.

It recognizes and cultivates the virtues of sports, such as the values of reciprocity, cooperation, and fair reward.

It is obligated to spiritually uplift athletes by educating them in the principles of peace and justice. Equally important is the development of sports ethics, which should encompass aspects such as honesty, respect, and decency. Through these values, philosophical freemasonry advances sports as a means for fostering self-confidence, self-improvement, and social behavior.

In philosophical freemasonry, the Sports Secretariat was established in 2017, with Menelaos Panteleakis 33º, an Olympic shooting champion, as its president.

This creation marks a significant step towards promoting the values of philosophical freemasonry in the realm of sports and developing a responsible authority, responsible for informing and developing athletic potential through various programs and initiatives.

Menelaos Panteleakis 33º, with his experience and success, offers an ideal that aligns perfectly with the values of philosophical freemasonry and can inspire and guide athletes throughout their journey.


Emmanouil Gerakios 33º


Με την υποβολή των στοιχείων σας στην παρακάτω φόρμα συναινείτε στην αποθήκευση και χρήση τους από εμάς δια την αποστολή σε εσάς ενημερωτικών επιστολών. Δεν θα γίνει χρήση των παραπάνω για κανένα άλλο σκοπό. ​

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Supreme Council 33º for Greece AASR


Scottish Rite Building Athens

Floors: 4,5,6,7.

2 Sourmeli Str. - 10438 Athens Greece.


Mailing Address:

P.O.Box 8142

Postal Code: 10200 Athens Greece 


Grand Secretary Tel:    +30 2169002173


Gr. Comm.           Tel:    +30 693 2211521




Secretariat Hours: 17.30 - 20.00 Monday to Friday


Secretariat hours: 17.30 - 20.00 Mon - Fri.

Supreme Council 33º for Greece


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